Channel: ZayzoV2
Category: Gaming
Tags: trickshottingzayzoprismsbo24:pickle9000mw2fazehitmarkerkarachifunniestwocod4cod5modernandofwarfareclamsduty:fazeclanfunnydarefailsffakarmaconsequencemontageblackxboxcalls&darmyfailopseagledutydesertgameplay
Description: CAN WE SMASH 2000 LIKES?!?!?! ► SUBSCRIBE to me to keep up with my videos!◄ Hey guys sorry I haven't uploaded in awhile! I've been extremely busy with school. This is an Army Of Two that I recorded quite awhile ago but I hope you guys still enjoy it. Be sure to like and comment! Check out the playlist of this series to watch the other episodes! Sub to PryZee: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want to be updated with my personal stuff and details on uploads? Follow me on Twitter!